Saturday, March 18, 2006


Guillemard Turtle Soup - Lunch - 18.03.06

Despite my long held stand against eating turtle meat - no doubt formed during my time spent on Redang Island playing midwife to pregnant turtles on a moon-lit beach for one whole week - I was pretty impressed with the setup of this place, located along Guillemard road between Geyland Lorong 34 and 36.

Before you turtle huggers start your flame wars, I did not participate in any dish that even had the hint of turtle breath in it. I had the Song Fish head - luscious omega 3 fat chunks trapped underneath slimy black skin, and a bowl of black chicken soup - which come to think of it, had just a smidge too much MSG. However, I did observe my friends as they tucked into a bowl of medium sized bowl of turtle soup - you need to pour in a special condiment that the restaurant prepares specially for the dish, using white rice wine, herbs and ginger. Strong stuff!

If you want to find out more about this eatery, visit Really.

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